The Best of

Celebrity Hit List

Gregory Harrison
Gragory Axed TV show star Better than Michael York's version of Logan in Logan's Run but didn't keep running past Season 1. Now ranks with Chuck Wagner in the theatre and straight-to-dustbin TV movies.

Emailed: 27/05/08 Reply: None as yet


I was browsing some intros on YouTube from 70s and 80s TV shows, such as Spiderman, the Gemini Man and Chips, when I came across one of my childhood favourite shows, Logan's Run.

Wow! That show was great. Here in the UK it aired on a Saturday evening, later repeated during the Saturday morning kids broadcasting slot. I watched it every time it was shown and my brother and I thought it was ace and played Logan's Run, often fighting over who would be Francis. The bad guys were always the coolest - I think Darth Vader started that trend but don't say I pointed the finger or else the Force might get revenge!

The movie with Michael York was a solid piece of entertainment and quite frightening in places; Hell, I'm over 30 years old and still alive! This movie still stands well today whereas the TV series seems to have vanished. Do you know if it Logan will resurface on DVD? I find it hard to believe that only 14 episodes were made - it seemed to be on forever. Like another of my favourites, Automan, the best seem to get axed too early before they've had a real chance to be up and running.

TV shows from the 70s and 80s are currently being remade to great success as movies. Do you think Logan's Run will be remade and, if so, would you appear as a cameo, perhaps as Logan's granddad? Oops - he would be too old and would have been spirited away. Maybe a role as an outsider then.

I also tried to find Randy Powell, your co-star as enemy Francis, but the only website that came up was some author of teen stories - I don't think that was him. Do you still keep in touch with Randy (or Randolph as I found he might also be known)? What does he do these days, post-Dallas?

Looking through your biography it seems, like Automan star Chuck Wagner, that you do a lot of theatre these days. Some say this is where the real actors work. Do you enjoy this or would you prefer to be back in front of the camera more, or indeed are you in any forthcoming TV/movie productions?

This side of the pond we tend to miss stars gone-by because the TV companies stop importing less popular shows. I'm still waiting for Bruce Campbell's Brisco County Junior series! Hope your career is holding well with a pension forecast and I look forward to hearing a reply.

Break a leg, as they say.

Rob De Wicz Of The United Kingdom

Celebrity Rating: 0/10 No reply as yet - the clock's ticking.

Brian Cant
Brian Cant Children's TV presenter and one-time possible stamp thief Odd-uncle type presenter of shows such as Play Away and Play School as well as voice-over for the Trumpton, Chigley and Camberwick Green family.

Date Emailed: 08/12/03 Date of Reply: 16/12/03

Dear Mr Cant

I understand this is probably your agent's email address but do hope they will pass this message on to you.

I am currently investigating via the power of email as to whatever happened to some of our most beloved TV stars who, at one time, never seemed to be off the box. And, your name was put forward by many of my work colleagues. We are of the generation that regularly tuned in to Play Away and Play School, along with the Trumpton, Chigley and Camberwick Green family. Because of these great early memories I am seeking email replies to post on my non-commercial site to inform readers that not all yesterdays TV celebrities are dead yet.

My mission with the Celebrity Hit List was to actually obtain signed photographs of the stars to scan and paste to my website as living proof but unfortunately this seems very lacklustre at the moment following my recent reply from the late Great Soprendo - Geoffrey Durham apparently laid him to rest in 1989!

So, if at all possible, a signed photo would be great. 2nd best would be an emailed signed photo. But if all else fails, please send a personal reply for me to post on my site to show the world that the greatest children's TV presenter is still live and kicking.

Thanks for your time and entertainment.

Unfortunately it is not possible to contact artists via email.

If you would like to contact one of our clients, please send a letter by post to:

c/o Amanda Howard Associates Ltd 21 Berwick Street London W1F 0PZ

If you are requesting a signed photo etc, please enclose an SAE.

Our apologies for this standard reply.

Date of Snail Mail: Jan 2004 Date of Reply: None

Date of 2nd Snail Mail: 18/02/04 Date of Reply: 11/03/04

Following Mr Cant's agent's instructions to send the letter by snail mail, no reply was received and the SAE sent was not returned. The following is the 2nd letter sent to obtain the stolen SAE:

Dear Mr Cant

I recently wrote to you following a reply to an email I sent to your agent. The reply stated that I should address fan mail via the agency and include a SAE if I wanted a reply, such as a signed photograph, as this was not possible to do via the internet.

Being a life-long fan of yours, I followed the instructions with the hope of maybe just a quick personal reply or perhaps just a standard signed promotional picture. Alas I have received no reply in approximately 6 weeks. I understand that you are probably very busy and must get fan mail by the truck-load so you may not have even got around to reading my letter as yet. But, if you are not going to reply please could you return my SAE so that I can use it again.

I am planning on writing to Jan Michael Vincent, of Airwolf, and he will no doubt request a SAE too. I have enclosed a SAE for you to return the original SAE in. This one, you will notice, only has a second class stamp on it making it less valuable than the one I originally sent to you so I would appreciate it if you could return the original SAE in the new SAE.

Thanks for your time and narration on Camberwick Green.

Three cheers for Brian Cant: Hip Hip Hooray, etc.
Brian Cant's Autograph
At last. Brian replies by not only sending a signed picture (albeit a crappy photocopy on a scrap) but also did as he was bloody well told and returned the original 1st class SAE. I guess he knows the importance of being a Jan Michael Vincent fan.
Brian Cant can now go to (almost) top of the class being our only hit who has supplied an autograph.

Celebrity Rating: 9/10 After sheer persistence Brian finally caves to offer his signed picture (which will be greatly cherised) and returns an SAE to boot. What a guy. Should we try for a bit of pocket money from our favourite odd-uncle?

The Great Soprendo AKA Geoffrey Durham
Soprendo Eighties children's TV magician This contender in the hit list is this unlikely wizard who gained respect as a magician through the unbelievable amount of cheese spread over-top of his act.

Date Emailed: 28/11/03 Date of Reply: 01/12/03

Dear Mr Durham

My work colleagues and I were recently discussing who the best TV magician was and your alter-ego The Great Suprendo was voted our favourite for alround entertainment value. We could not class you in the same irritating category that some other half-baked wig-wearing magic-makers were placed because you were a combination of sheer comedy and illusion, almost a spoof of what TV magicians were supposed to be.

Now, the reason why I hope this email gets to you, we discovered that by doing an internet search using the Google "Images" search engine for The Great Suprendo, we were given no pictures. This we found quite extraordinary and wondered whether you have magically removed The Great Suprendo from the almighty web - surely a trick only the highest calibre of wizard could perform. It is with this dismay that we could not promote your talents to other staff members, who hadn't heard of The Great Suprendo, with a likeness to jog their memories of the greatest trickster of UK TV.

Please can you email an autographed picture of yourself as The Great Suprendo to not only enlighten our dear work colleagues but also to be able to place the image on my web-site (address below) so that other internet users will be able to find an image of The Great Suprendo when doing a search. I would also be honoured to be able to place a banner on my website stating "As seen by The Great Suprendo!" Note: it is not a commercial money-making site, merely a hobby of mine that does not get many hits.

If at all possible I would be extremely grateful if you could send the autographed photo ideally by good old-fashioned snail-mail to the address below. An emailed version, once printed-out, kind of loses its autographed authenticity!

Also, I would like to mention that that trick where you tear up a £5 note and then magically it appears whole again does not work. I tried this several times and I am now out-of-pocket by £75.
Finally, it is a well known fact that you were married to the comedienne Victoria Wood. My colleague stated that rumour has it you have now parted from your dear wife. Is this true or can we quash those rumours once and for all?

Anyway, thank you for your time in reading this email and do please, if you have the time, get back to me with a picture.

Dear Rob

Thank you for your email. Since I last did the act I called The Great Soprendo in 1989, I'm not in the least surprised that there are no images of it on Google!

Unfortunately for the same reason, I'm afraid I don't have any photos of it to send to you. I'm delighted that you remember it with such affection. I don't feel quite the same way about it myself (or I might still be doing it, I suppose), and I'm glad that I've now found greater success as a magician in my own right.

Finally, your friends who think I'm now separated from Victoria are right - I am. We live 500 yards from each other, though, and are on good speaking terms!

Best wishes

Geoffrey Durham

Celebrity Rating: 7/10 The Great Soprendo gets top marks for a speedy reply but unfortunately loses a few for neither supplying a signed photo nor coughing-up £75.

Erik Estrada
Ponch Village People Cheesemonger Poncherello from the California Highway Patrol. Best known for his big hair.

Date Emailed: 17/01/04 Date of Reply: 25/01/04

Hi Erik

Here in the UK we get to see re-runs of the old CHiPs TV series everyday on one satellite channel or another and you must be sick of hearing from people who are fans of the show but I hope I do not put you off by asking questions you probably have answered many times before.

We in the UK haven't really seen you in anything recently, have you got any upcoming projects which may get aired sometime over here? I find a lot of actors from old TV serials have now caught one of those nasty STD diseases - Straight To DVD - or appear in made-for-TV movies.

With the current trend for 70s and 80s TV series' being made into big screen movies has anyone approached you to reprise your role from CHiPs, or even to appear as a nostalgic walk-on like Lou Ferrigno in the recent Hulk movie?

If a CHiPs movie is on the cards and you are not to star in it, who would you like to play your character? I think Bruce Campbell has the same hair as you did and wouldn't mind getting beaten-up by the bad guys. Alternatively, do you think it might be best to turn it into a comedy buddy movie with Jackie Chan playing you and some boring straight guy playing your partner, ie. Kevin Costner?

In the UK, chips are what you in the US call fries. I believe your chips are of the thinly sliced fried potato variety which we call crisps. Is there anyway that the California Highway Patrol could change its name to CRisPs, or something, for the UK translation?

Anyway, hope you reply very soon - an emailed signed photo (JPEG or GIF) would be nice - and I just have one more question: what do you prefer as a side dish to CHiPs, salsa dip or guacamole?


Hello Rob!

My what a very complex email you've sent!

Well I am still very much acting and even though the shows have not come your way (yet) I am sure they will. I do hear that CHiPs is currently airing in the UK which is nice to know. We did in fact do a reunion film called CHiPs 99 and it was made for television. They have and still are discussing bringing hte show back but until something solidifies, I only listen with a grain of salt.

The same has been said of a feature film. Time will tell. The only difference is that the creator does not want to do it without me so who knows...........

As for the crisps vs chips.................... I don't think the brass in Sacramento would waste too much time on thinking about the name change! Oh and as a side..........definitely guacomole BUT only if it is freshly made and without salt!!!!!!

Take care and I wish you a wonderful weekend !

God bless,

Erik Estrada

Celebrity Rating: 7/10 Just over a week for the reply and most questions answered but no piccie.

Wilf Lunn
Wilf Lunn Inventor TV inventor of strange things for Vision On and various other kids' shows. Also does a line in small wire-frame bicycles for all occasions.

Date Emailed: 18/07/04 Date of Reply: <None as yet>

Hi Wilf

I was half-watching a kids program the other day where the presenters were attempting to create some half-baked contraption for storing camera films and it looked like a cardboard box shaped dragon. Surely just a cardboard box would have sufficed?

Whilst watching this charade it suddenly occurred to me that the only things I actually attempted to make from kids shows were inventions you created. "What happened to Wilf Lunn?" I asked my wife. To which she replied: "Clive Dunn? Wasn't he in Dad's Army?"

After a lengthy lecture in the ways of respecting one's ignorance, I apologised for my assumption that not everyone would know you Wilf and also apologised for suggesting to my wife she was as daft as a fat cow.

The question I really want you to answer is have you ever invented something to shut women up, especially the nagging type that usually start after approximately 2 years of meeting them? I had thought of maybe something using barbed wire and crocodile clips but I guess even though the parts are cheap, the tetanus jab is not.

The second question I have for you is did you invent the egg bomb from a kite thingy? I remember reading a book from the library when I was young and poor and I'm sure it had your face on the front. It was a good book - I think it must have been the Vision On one.

Finally, I, being a self-appraising best cartoonist ever, have created a website for the general public to showcase my talents and I have a section that covers "Where are they now" celebrities. It would be great to receive an emailed autographed photo of you to include on my site. No other celebrity has yet emailed me a signed picture. The best I've had was an animated picture of Automan from Chuck Wagner and a signed photocopied-photo sent via snail mail from Brian Cant. Can you do better? I certainly hope so. It may score you highly on my leaderboard.

Thanks for your time and I will visit your site regularly to see what other inventions I can attempt to emulate successfully. Now I am grown up I find I can actually make the damned things properly.

Dear Rob, your wife confusing me with Clive Dunn reminded me of the fan letter which started, 'Dear Alf, I'm sorry I don't Know your other name'.

On another occaison I signed a cheque with my full name Wilfred Makepeace Lunn. The old fellow I gave it to looked at it and said,' That's a funny name Wellfed Mantlepiece Lunn.

But enough of that. I'll see what I can do about a photo. Hopefully some new ones will be done shortly.

All the best Wilf,

P.S. You're lucky to have a wife that talks to you.

Celebrity Rating: 8/10 Reply within a week, just. Promise of a photo. Will we get the photo or will it be genetically enhanced? There's no telling what these white-coat inventors get upto.

Ornella Muti
Ornella Sexy star of the 80s. The beautiful Ornella shot to fame with the top-rate Buster Crabbe-less movie of Flash Gordon as Ming the Merciless's flesh-bareing Princess Aura.

Date emailed: 08/12/03 Date of Reply: 09/12/03

Dear Miss Muti

I can guess that your emails probably get vetted by your webmaster, or someone, before you read them and I understand that you are probably very busy doing more important things than to personally answer all your fan mail but if you could personally reply to this one I would be most grateful.

Your only performance I have ever seen was your appearance in the Flash Gordon movie which was quite a big hit here in the UK and you subsequently became a big hit with myself and many other teenage males at the time.

I am currently compiling a Celebrity Hit List for my website, , which investigates via the power of the internet and emailing as to where previously big stars turned into mere twinkles of memories. Of course, as I mentioned earlier, you did cause a big sensation amongst us red-blooded young men.

One of the initial aims of my Celebrity Hit List was to obtain signed photographs from the named stars but in your case I will waiver a hard copy version and plead for an emailed signed picture.

After visiting several websites devoted to yourself I realised just how famous a celebrity you are still and would very much appreciate an email reply from you to include on my site to let the UK web-users know that you are still the bonafide sexy princess you once played. My site is non-commercial without banner advertising and is purely a hobby site.

I wish you the very best in your career and hope it flourishes further.

kisses ornella

Celebrity Rating: 10/10 Swift return delivery with a message to make others envious, even though it might be an automated response.

Ted Raimi
Ted Raimi B rate TV and movie comedy stooge The comedy element of the Xena:Warrior Princess TV series and Man-in-Background No.3 in movies such as Darkman and Spiderman. Younger brother of the more famous director Sam Raimi.

Date Emailed: 30/12/03 Date of Reply: <None as yet>

Date Re-Emailed: 22/06/04 Date of Reply: 24/06/04


I am writing from the UK where Ted is seldom seen on our TVs, only the occasional appearance on repeats of Xena on low audience networks. Does Ted actually personally answer any of his emails like his old Evil Dead buddy Bruce Campbell does? Or does he have a standard reply that he asks you at this fan site to send on?

I have been a big fan of Ted's since the Evil Dead and Darkman days and would love to receive just a small greeting from him that I could print-out and frame next to my Xena and Joxer photograph. It would put my Bruce Campbell "Ash" figurine with unpersonal standard response letter to shame.

Is Ted to have a small role in the forthcoming Spiderman 2 movie? I'm sure his older brother would have found some small part for him to make his own other than the office boy from Spiderman 1 - or is he reprising the role but with more speaking lines?

Drop me a reply anytime, especially if it's one from Ted.

On Jun 22, 2004, Rob wrote: Hi I am writing from the UK where you are seldom seen on our TVs, only the occasional appearance on repeats of Xena on low audience networks.

Cheers. Well, that's better than nuthin' I guess!

Do you actually personally answer any of your emails like your old Evil Dead buddy Bruce Campbell sometimes like to think he does?

Huh. What do you think this is?

I have been a big fan since the Evil Dead and Darkman days and would love to receive just a small greeting that I could print-out and frame next to my Xena and Joxer photograph. It would put my Bruce Campbell "Ash" figurine with unpersonal standard response letter to shame.


Do you have a small role in the forthcoming Spiderman 2 movie? I'm sure your older brother would have found some small part for you to make your own other than the office boy from Spiderman 1 - or are you reprising the role but with more speaking lines?

Yes. VERY small! But, like all parts, they start really big and then you wind up as so much digital evaporation!

Take care, Rob!

CHeers. Ted

Jan Michael Vincent
JMVincent Slitty-eyed action clown Star of the TV hit series Airwolf and various cameo roles in films you've never heard of starring such famous actors as Clint Howard.

Date of Email: 29/01/04 Date of Reply: 29/01/04

Hi Jan

I was hoping for an official site to be set up about you because I was absolutely mad for Airwolf when I was younger. It was one of those American TV shows that used to get the prime time tea-time slot on a Saturday evening over here in the UK, battling for ratings alongside the likes of The A Team, Streethawk and, who can forget, Automan.

The amount of times I would ride my pushbike over the side of a ditch to be airbourne just like Airwolf. Of course, I could not stay in the sky forever so just had to settle for Airwolf being shot-down by a nuclear missile and obtaining a broken limb and mouth full of frog's spawn instead. Oh, happy memories.

Since Airwolf, I know you have appeared in many other projects and was very interested to hear you had, in recent years, starred in an Abel Ferrara movie as a bad sheriff. I haven't seen the movie yet - not sure if it has been released in the UK yet - but I bet you are the best actor in it.

What I would like to know is what was it like working for the legendary director of movies such as Bad Lieutenant, King of New York and the Bodysnatchers remake? Did he make you employ any method acting to fill-out your role as nasty sheriff, like beating people up or filling people with lead?

One of my all-time favourite films is The Ice Cream Man starring Clint Howard and you appeared in it too. Have you appeared in many of Clint's films? I would have thought with connections like that, his brother, Ron, might have cast you in something. I'm sure you would have done a better job than Russell Crowe in that abysmal film about the mathmetician.

Do you have any other films or TV shows coming up soon that might make their way over to our little island? It would be great to see you in another action series after all these years. I heard Lee Majors is still doing it and he must be in his 80s by now.

I would be very grateful to receive a reply from you and would be even more pleased if you could email me a signed photo!

Thanks for your time and wish you the best.

Rob Vincent (I changed my surname by deed poll)

You have reached Jan-Michael's official e-mail.

His official website: will be up just as soon as we can clear all the legal hurdles.

Thank you for your interest in Jan-Michael. Unfortunately he is unable to respond to every e-mail he receives since he receives over 500 per week.

To write Jan, please send all correspondence to:

Jan-Michael Vincent
c/o ChAmJo Management
167 Lamp & Lantern Village #142
MO 63017 (USA)

Thank you.

Celebrity Rating: 3/10 Immediate reply but it is an automated response. Mr Vincent is obviously too busy finishing off his career to care enough about his fans. But, hey, he's given us his address - who's gonna start the "Bring back Airwolf" petition to send him? No-one? I guessed so.

Chuck Wagner
Chuck Wagner TV Tron digital man Automan star. Also appearing in a panto near you soon. And invites us to join him in the West End.

Date of Email: 11/02/04 Date of Reply: 11/02/04


Hope this message can be passed on to Chuck himself. I don't know whether he personally replies to emails but it would be great if he could. I have emailed other idols of my teenage years such as Erik Estrada, Ornella Muti and Jan Michael Vincent and most have replied themselves, except Jan who is obviously too busy building a cameo appearance career to be bothered with his fans.

I live in the UK and saw Automan in the early 80s when it was first broadcast over here. I thought the show was ACE. Being into computers and the gaming environment, seeing a TV series just like TRON was superb. I can't remember much about the story-lines, more the comedy rapport between yourself and Dezi Arnez Jnr, like the car that turned corners at 90 degrees thrusting Dez into the side-windows all the time.

As far as I know the series was axed after about 8 episodes in the States. Over here 8 episodes constitutes a full series because most of our UK programmes were usually filmed in sets of 6 or 8 parts. This means that we got a full series of Automan where the USA only got about a third! How lucky we were.

Alas, the show vanished and is not even repeated on any of our satellite channels. There's no DVD release. Whatever's going on? Do you have any information regarding a possible future release of the series on DVD or if a new series is planned? If there is to be a new series, which I'm sure the networks would be interested in, would you give up a few months of your marvellous theatre work to star in it again?

If Dez is not available you could team up with another star of the TV who we don't see much of anymore, William Shatner springs to mind. Automan vs TJ Hooker. Now there's a hit show to consider.

I noticed that you appeared in a movie called Monster Island. Was this a hit or a made-for-TV film? I don't think it's been shown over here but it sounds fantastic. Is it a bit like Mysterious Island with a giant crab and Captain Nemo turning up to save the day? Or, is it a future B movie cult classic, like Clint Howard's The Ice Cream Man?

Sorry I've written such a long email. I hope I haven't taken up too much of your time but I've been absolutely flabbergasted to be able to contact one of my all-time heroes of the small screen.
I wish you well in your career and hope that many children benefit from your school masterclasses (a passtime that too many A star celebrities shy away from) and I hope to here from you soon.

Rob An Automan Fan from the UK

Hi Rob,

Thanks for writing. I too would love to see Automan released on DVD, though it is not really something I think will happen...but you never know! We did 13 one hour episodes, plus the 2 hour pilot, and I had a blast.

It would be great fun to see a new Automan with today's CGI capabilities. Our idea was just ahead of its' time, and the effects were done the old fashioned way. If another Automan emerges, I hope I can play a part, but neither Desi nor I are as young as we once were.

Monster Island was a UCLA master's project for a gentleman named Eric Brevig, who would go on the become a major wizard at Industrial Light and Magic, supervising films like MEN IN BLACK...he won the Oscar for the effects in TOTAL RECALL. It is not really available, but clips were seen in a documentary they did once on Mr. Brevig.

Thanks for writing. I hope one day to play the West End, so perhaps we can meet at the theatre one day soon! Take care, and give my regards to the United Kingdom.

Sincerely, Chuck Wagner
your humble hologram

From Chuck

Celebrity Rating: 10/10 A genuine bonafide star who appreciates every one of his few dozen fans. A reply in the same day regardless of the time difference between the UK and US - that's dedication to his fans. And Chuck becomes our first celebrity to email a picture - the animated Automan picture above.

Paul Winchell
Paul Winchell Voiceman Supreme The voice behind Fleagle the beagle of the Banana Splits. The voice behind Tigger of Winnie the Pooh. The voice behind Dick Dastardly of Wacky Races.
And a crazy inventor.

Date of Email: 19/02/04 Date of Reply: <None as yet>


I live in the UK and grew up watching The Banana Splits every Saturday Morning. It was a crazy spoof of the Saturday morning shows that were around at the time, filled with energy and laughter.

Being a fan of the show and now in my Thirties I decided to delve a little deeper and see if it was possible to contact one of the Splits. I firstly opted for my favourite split which was Drooper but unfortunately I couldn't find much on the internet about him. Then I came across this site and could not believe the talent that was hidden beneath Fleagle, the beagle.

I am guessing that you only supplied the voice of Fleagle but did wonder if it was the same person in the costume all the time or did various people get to prance around in it for different shows, ie. stunt driver, actor, etc.?

Reading through your site I then found out that you also supplied the voice of Tigger, my favourite Winnie the Pooh character. After Piglet, that is. And Eeyore. I think the Tigger voice is the one most people would like to impersonate but very little manage to do with success.

Then I saw you did Dick Dastardly! My favourite Wacky Races character. After The Anthill Mob, that is. And Penelope Pitstop. Who voiced Mutley? He was good too.

The most sensational part of your site was the fact that you invented the disposable razor first! Was it BIC who copied your idea? They are the razors I use but I now wish they were called the WINCH. The disposable razor has been one of the most useful inventions of recent times. And I don't know what I'd do without the Portable Blood Plasma Defroster.

Do you have any other inventions on the way? I thought about a magnetic tack hammer so that your fingers wouldn't get hit all the time. And I also thought about a retractable cord that attaches a mobile phone to your belt, maybe called a Moby Grip, which retracts if the phone is dropped. There's too many people losing or dropping phones these days. If you copy that idea you could call it the Phone Winch.

I see the movie guys are considering making a movie based on your life. This would be great. Your biography makes a very interesting read and would do well on the silver screen, if only for the Banana Splits re-union. Who would you like to play you? An A lister like Tom Cruise or perhaps a proper actor like Jan Michael Vincent? Ben Stiller's very popular these days, and funny too. You could suggest him but he'd probably want Owen Wilson in the film too. Did you have any colleagues with blonde hair and a broken nose?

Thanks for reading this email. I'm sorry if it's too long but I am in a state of enthusiasm from having the chance to talk to a genius of the voiceing world.

I look forward to a possible reply.

No reply as yet.

Unfortunately, Mr Winchell passed away on Sunday 26th June 2005 so we do not expect to be hearing from him in the near future. Therefore, he will be exempted from having to reply to the above email unless he feels the need to communicate from beyond the grave.
RIP Fleagle's Voice

Celebrity Rating: 0/10 Awaiting reply prior to rating.

Uri Geller
Uri Geller Mental bender 150 year old psychic guru who can bend spoons and promote PME - Positive Mental Energy at every available opportunity.

Date Emailed: 28/11/03 Date of Reply: <None as yet>

Dear Uri

My work colleague and I were recently discussing strange occurences that have happened to us and I was impelled to contact you with the true story that I told my friend.

During the Nineties, I cannot remember the year exactly, you appeared on a live broadcast with Sir David Frost. The show was about psychic phenomenon and whether it was reality or just mumbo-jumbo. Well, you appeared and asked the audience at home to place their wrist watches on top of the television and, following a mental power surge, you predicted that the watches would all stop. I did not partake in this activity as my watch was very expensive and I did not wish any harm to come to it.

What I did not expect to happen was what I found the next day.

In my house, where I lived at the time, I used to store gardening equipment in an old small pantry just off the kitchen. I had some grass-cutting tasks to do so needed my gardening shears to trim the edges after mowing. This simple task I found I could not do.

The shears were bent like a banana.

The only explanation I could come to was that the TV set pointed directly through the house at this pantry and somehow it's possible that your pyschic ability was so strong the previous night, especially with the mental energy of the nation joining in, that it must have just concentrated on the point where my shears were placed!

It took a long time to hammer those shears back into a useable shape, and even then they didn't cut too well thereafter. Needless to say, I recently discarded those old shears and bought a new pair. But, the story is a good one that often causes solid argument in debates about psychic powers and was probably worth the price just so I can say "Uri Geller owes me a new pair of garden shears!"

Don't let anyone say you're a fraud.

Webmaster's Comments:

Uri the spoon bender. Uri the psychic phenomenon. Uri, Michael Jackson's best buddy. Uri the grasp-every-opportunity-to-prove-his-powers-are-real merchant. Unfortunately he has overlooked this TRUE story which could have resurrected his career after eating bugs in the jungle and directing Martin Bashir to the Jackson freakshow.

Celebrity Rating: 0/10 Our powers predicted a no-show.
